Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 2: Short update...

Woke up subuh. Jumpa Pak Long before he left to work to bid our goodbye and gratitude - and immediately went out for a walk to get some roti canai! Forgot my nice camera, sorry for the blurry pics. It was about 7, our wish for hot roti canai and teh tarik is fulfilled! The teh tarik and milo was too sweet, so we couldn't finish them. Roti canai was just nice.

We got 2 nasi kerabu to go - with some lauk. Going to eat now. Will update more when we can. So far, other than for the heat, Malaysia is still awesome!


Anonymous said...

Next time, just say "kasi kurang manis..." for your drink orders =)


Hamzah said...
