Monday, March 26, 2012

New Haircut

Since our trip back to Msia, Feyruz is due for another haircut. He was doing great halfway thru, but then when he started crying and getting all worked out, Amin kinda butchered his hair. Oh well…

It’s ok Feyruz, it will look much better in a few weeks hehe..

As you can see from the look of the grass & plants, Spring’s already here.. but it felt like almost summer. 80s degree in late March.. ouch! We are starting to work on our lawn. There are a lot of bare patches and weeds that need to be taken care of. And the obvious.. cutting and trimming the grass.

Took a while to get the mower started. Curious Feyruz was all over it.

Soon when you are older, Abah can give you $5 for mowing the lawn Smile

After all the hard work, now playtime at the patio.
“Hey, checked out my new Angry Bird slippers! Thanks to my aunties”

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Visiting Wichita Zoo

A few weeks ago, Feyruz started recognizing animals and the sound they make. When we watched TV or when we went outside, he got really excited when he saw a dog or bear or fish. And he started calling them.

So last weekend, we decided to go to the zoo in Wichita. It was quite chilly that day.

Me looking very heavy at 33 weeks pregnant. Amin already called me ‘boyot’ Confused smile

Amin and his sidekick. Always together. The little sidekick never wants me whenever Amin is around.

Chasing the ducks to the pond..

Amin had to pull him from following the ducks. “Feyruz, you can’t swim!”

Petting farm. Once, he tried to poke the lamb’s eyes. Aiyoooo…
We showed him cows, horses, goats, camel among others. Feyruz got really excited!

Really huge tiger. Got to see him close up.

Spent 2 hours there, and we only saw half of the animals in the zoo. Okay save for the next visit!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Our ‘Curious George’

After lunch yesterday, Amin let Feyruz played in the backyard. He’s been running around the house since winter. Now is the time to let him out. It’s not spring yet, but the grass has turned green. And we noticed a lot of birds come and play around the bird’s house.

Good thing he didn’t fall that much on the ground.

It was nice to see Feyruz playing around by himself. He looked more confident walking & running. We just need to buy some balls or toys for him to play outside.

P/S: Feyruz just turned 19 months! (And still cannot speak Confused smile)