Friday, October 19, 2007

Mac Mini is here and few other things...

Mac Mini is here! It looks like new, no scratches, nothing. In fact I am typing on it right now!

Another surprise, Apple is giving away (for the cost of shipping) the new system that's coming out next week. Leopard, the next iteration of Mac OS X (10.5), will go on sale on 10/26/07 for $129. I'm getting it for $9.99+tax since I bought this refurbished Mac Mini after October.

Pretty sweet, especially when you compare to Microsoft. Microsoft giving away Vista because you bought a computer 2 weeks before it was out? HA!

I am using the 'pre-Leopard' setup to do some before and after benchmarks so I can publish at While installing things, I came across a very intersting installer. Its for Adium X, the best instant messaging software there is. Its lightyears ahead of Trillian and very resource efficient to boot. Enjoy the pic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

