Monday, October 22, 2012

Fayyad is 6 months old Today

Happy 6 months baby! Fayyad is so playful. He recently shows tremendous affection towards his brother. I’ll show the video of them some other time. But he is still a bit shy with his Abah.

Feyruz sayang kat Fayyad <3

P/S: Feyruz is so talkative nowadays. He likes to count 123, sings ABC and other nursery rhymes, and yesterday he said his first sentence ‘Moon is hiding’.


Muzlifah said...

Alhamdulillah Feyruz dah cakap banyak! I guess semua vocab yg pernah dengar akan keluar la nanti! Makan je masih picky... insyaAllah will be ok too!

Aishah said...

Makan picky tapi banyak. He gains some weight recently :)