Sunday, October 07, 2012

Fayyad @ 5 1/2 Months Old


His weight is already 16 lbs! Feyruz was 8-9 months old when he was at the same weight.

Fayyad just started talking ‘ma’ and ‘ba’ two weeks ago. But he still hasn’t sit up yet. His doctor says that will be his next milestone. Oh and his bottom teeth is coming out soon. I can already feel it while nursing him.

His favorite new toy is the jumperoo. He knows how to turn the wheels and shakes around.

Lompat.. lompat.. lompat!

The only problem with Fayyad is that he’s itchy too, but not as severe as Feyruz. I initially used some of Feyruz’ cream to treat the rashes on Fayyad’s skin. It works very well, but the rashes keep coming back a few days later. After having a discussion with his doctor, I decide to stop taking egg for now, since I noticed Fayyad rashes flared up whenever I ate egg. Now it’s been a week since I ate egg, and I can see his skin looks much better now. It just that he keeps scratching as much as before. I’m not sure how to make him less itchy. The doctor won’t prescribe any antihistamine until he is 6 months old.

Anyway, he was fussy with the milk/milk products when he was a newborn. So my next trial is to stop taking milk too. Well this is kinda difficult for me because I love pizza and chocolate! I won’t give up milk now, but soon when I’m ready.


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