Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cooking With Passion

Today for breakfast Amin decided to try to make some chappati (from scratch). He made the dough and everything else, while I helped him cooked it.

The chappati was soft and delicious. We ate it with beef curry.

For dinner, I decided to make some salmon with avocado & asparagus sushi. Amin helped pan-seared the salmon, while I cooked the sushi rice and prep the other ingredients.


Feyruz.. all well after recovering from vaccine shots’ fever.
’PENDEKAR mode’ Open-mouthed smile


Amin said...

Nanti tak sabar nak buat sushi @ capati kat Indiana!

Anonymous said...

nampak sedap!

Anonymous said...

YES PLEASE... kami ada dah mat tu cuma tak dak seaweed nuri dll ingredients...
Capati looks delicious too! I made once masa kakMirah n mak tok was here long time ago...

-by Mak the anon!