Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fayyad’s First Breakfast

His bottom 2 teeth came out 2 days ago. He’s almost 7 months now and I think he’s ready for some cereal.

This morning tried to feed him. Mix some milk with oatmeal cereal. Bukak mulut Fayyad “Aaaa..” well, he refused to try some. Just playing around with the cereal.

Ok now Abah gave it a try (with Feyruz’s help).

“Takmo.. takmo”

Sedey kena paksa makan huhu.. tomorrow we’ll try again k Fayyad.


Muzlifah said...

Feyruz kena demonstrate kat Fayyad! Jgn lupa boh bib next time!

Aishah said...

Feyruz dah demo, tp Fayyad takmo jugak. Cah letak bib mula2, si Fayyad awal2 dah tarik cabut dah. Letak balik dia dah meragam pulak. Hari ni try kasi lagi dia terus refuse abis cereal. Ok kena try different food dulu kot. Last Monday jumpe doc Fayyad, dia ckp since Fayyad nyer growth looks great, dia ckp it's ok to introduce solid slowly.