Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Feyruz Skidoo!

Too much watching Blue’s Clues nowadays. Before, Feyruz just watch whatever Steve/Joe/Blue does on the show. Recently, he tries to imitate the singing and expression and everything else they did on the show. So when Joe & Blue skidoo, Feyruz also wants to skidoo. One time I saw him put a piece of paper with picture on it on the floor. Then he does the skidoo thing. And he did jump on the picture. Funny! Sometimes when he watched Joe skidoo, he pointed to our picture frame as if he wanted to skidoo into it. Adoii too much imagination.

Feyruz asked me to take this video of him skidoo. Enjoy skidooing!


Muzlifah said...

Ha ha Feyruz lawak la... Ada dak handy dandy notebook? Dulu2 budak2 ni ada mak buatkan dari kertas warna, potong kecik2 dan staplekan.

Aishah said...

Oh nanti bila free boleh buatkan notebook utk Feyruz. Great idea!