Monday, March 05, 2012

Our ‘Curious George’

After lunch yesterday, Amin let Feyruz played in the backyard. He’s been running around the house since winter. Now is the time to let him out. It’s not spring yet, but the grass has turned green. And we noticed a lot of birds come and play around the bird’s house.

Good thing he didn’t fall that much on the ground.

It was nice to see Feyruz playing around by himself. He looked more confident walking & running. We just need to buy some balls or toys for him to play outside.

P/S: Feyruz just turned 19 months! (And still cannot speak Confused smile)


Muzlifah said...

Nampak lidah Feyruz! Sukanya dia main kat luar!

The Man of L said...

So cute!

The Man of L said...

so cute!

Aishah said...

Feyruz latest habit -- jelir lidah :)