Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I made a bridge. We're testing it tomarrow, so I don't know if it will win. But it already won 1 out of 3 contests. It won the creativeness contest. The other 2 were neatness, and beauty. Here are some pictures:


wahi said...

Yeah cool bridge...

Amin said...

can it hold your weight?

Hamzah said...

It held 118.4 pounds

Amin said...

that's more than your weight right?? that is pretty high up there, what # were you?

wahi said...

Amin's was Number 2, Hamzah got #4, I think. After 118.4 lbs, the legs split.

Amin said...

Although I was trying to think, if it was a real bridge how would ppl cross/cars? Looks blocked to me!

Nice job! I sense a future civil engineer in you.

Hamzah said...

no i was like 10th in the whole grade