Amin Jon v. Dan Wasil
In a battle between two powerful Sentinel chars against Danny the Fire Slayer and Goblin Funnies, the Sentinel grew too powerful to fend off. Wasil's explosives couldn't match well against his opponents' many stuns, and Dan could only do so much. Wasil needs to learn how to use his items, he really sucks at doing that. Amin became a co-MVP by taking out 200+ creeps and maintaining a favorable survival rate against the Scourge. I had to give Dan co-MVP because of his ability to take control of the majority of the game, despite Wasil's suckability. To have a 11/5/1 against two stunning, time-stopping, melee, invis-inducing people is pretty good, even if it came from instant pwnage. Plus, the 3 towers taken down signifies his pushing ability, even if the creep kill didn't.

Rank/W/L/T/%—MVP count
1. Hamzah-4/1/5/0.800—4
2. Amin-3/2/5/0.600—1
3. Wasil-4/4/7/0.500—3
3. Dan—3/3/6/0.500—2
5. Jon—3/5/8/0.375—0
6. Luqman-1/4/5/0.200—0
7. Dzakiyy-0/0/0/Undef—0
8. Russ—0/0/0/Undef—0
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