Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fishing in KC

We actually went fishing a few times, using borrowed rods from Abg Ramli (Dzakiyy's dad). We caught the usual bluegills. Then 3 croakers that we released because, silly me, we thought it was an undersized bass.

While fishing, we saw many carps jumping out of the water having fun - so I thought, let's spoil their fun and eat one of them. On another fine day, we went fishing in the morning with Wal-Mart's Great Value Corn in a can on a treble hook. Lo and behold, I got one! 19" but hey, carp is a carp! Not bad for first time trying for it in foreign untested waters. First carp caught by a Lubis in Missouri! Enjoy the pictures!

At home we had to clean the fish and freeze it right away. Totally not looking forward to this, my first carp cleaning. After two minor cuts on my hands and an hour later, we got it cleaned. Thanks Ayah for awesome tips on how to take out the scales...

Definitely will do it again. We fried one to try it out, then we cooked the rest in fish curry. Brought them over to Abg. Ramli's house for lunch after watch the new Harry Potter movie (Half-Blood prince is Prof. Snape!), Dzakiyy and family loved it.


hamzah said...

the person that help net the fish, has it dz?

Amin said...

has it dz?

hamzah said...

lol is it dz

Muzlifah said...

i was typing with one finger

Amin said...

Yea, that is Dzakiyy.

Amin said...

Although I thought I posted his pictures already @ St. Louis.

hamzah said...

opps. sorry, i acidently put a comment under mak's name.. i typed with one finger. the history was under mak's name. i changed from my name to her account

muhsin said...

wow. its cool.

hamzah said...

well i can't see his face that good with his sun glasses in the first pic

muhsin said...

how big is the carp?

muhsin said...

how big is the carp?

Amin said...

I'm not sure how heavy it is, but the size is 19 inches!

muhsin said...

whoops I pressed enter two times

Aishah said...

The carp tasted very fresh. I wish we caught another one... maybe next time ;)