You might be wondering who that is…
Those pearls showed up when he was 5+ months. Been teething ever since..
He loves chewing on cold wash cloth.
Play time with Fayyad.
Playing together
All by himself! He can sit up straight for more than a few minutes now before he goes wobbly
This morning looking at Feyruz book of animals. Ni dah mula nak berebut2 buku dah. Sikit lagi entah2 mula la nak bergaduh nanti.
Eyeing for Feyruz’s cereals.
Fayyad is currently 17+ lbs and Feyruz is almost 25 lbs.
His bottom 2 teeth came out 2 days ago. He’s almost 7 months now and I think he’s ready for some cereal.
This morning tried to feed him. Mix some milk with oatmeal cereal. Bukak mulut Fayyad “Aaaa..” well, he refused to try some. Just playing around with the cereal.
Ok now Abah gave it a try (with Feyruz’s help).
“Takmo.. takmo”
Sedey kena paksa makan huhu.. tomorrow we’ll try again k Fayyad.