Sunday, September 30, 2012
Apple Picking at Alldredge Orchard
This year we went to a different farm located at the country side north of Kansas City. The orchard was not well maintained actually. Lotsa rotten apples, bees and bugs around the area. I got scared a couple of times when Feyruz walked thru the bushes and under the apple trees wondering if he got bitten or something. So after a while, I took Fayyad and Feyruz to the farm while Amin picked the apples all by himself. Took him an hour to get a bucket full of apples!
The farm and playground were much more exciting. They have a lot of chickens (I really meant a lot, like 50s of them running around), kittens, goats and a pony. Feyruz was so ecstatic to see all those chickens. And he kept running around with the chickens. He even tried to get into the chicken coop! Sabar je laaa..
We bought a big bag of Jonathan apples and those mixed apples that Amin picked. Some I made apple pies.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Feyruz Skidoo!
Too much watching Blue’s Clues nowadays. Before, Feyruz just watch whatever Steve/Joe/Blue does on the show. Recently, he tries to imitate the singing and expression and everything else they did on the show. So when Joe & Blue skidoo, Feyruz also wants to skidoo. One time I saw him put a piece of paper with picture on it on the floor. Then he does the skidoo thing. And he did jump on the picture. Funny! Sometimes when he watched Joe skidoo, he pointed to our picture frame as if he wanted to skidoo into it. Adoii too much imagination.